Miss Abbey making the most of the lovely weather! |
Glad to say we've finally had a sunny day in our part of the world! It's supposed to be spring here but it's been wet and overcast for days now - I can't even remember when last we were even able to spend a Thursday in the mountains!
I'm afraid I haven't been very good at updating Ms Abbey's blog - I was just saying to Maxmom that I think I need to concentrate on my Camino blog and do a final post here, as keeping up three blogs (there's the Thursday hiking blog as well!) is proving to be an impossible task! This morning I thought I'd attempt to put together that final post here but alas, I can't do it!!
I've discovered that this little blog really does have a special place in my heart, even though I haven't updated here in weeks. I simply can't say goodbye to it! So, my friends, I'll have to think about the format that I want this to take on, somehow I think we should give it a final bash!
Lets begin then with an update of the four stars of this household. Firstly, little Miss Abigail. I'm glad to report that she still rules the roost, even though she's the tiniest of the lot. Prim and proper, in excellent health and a true little lady. She really is the easiest little dog to live with - she literally can travel anywhere with me, as long as she's close to me, nobody even knows she's there! That works really well when we have to sneak her into places where four legged little creatures aren't really allowed! As animal lovers I'm sure you can identify!
Miss Chloe is doing well, we seem to be winning the allergy battle at this stage. For those of you who've gotten to know us, you'll know that she's had a constant battle with skin allergies the last two years or so. We now have them all on a Tapioca and fish dry food diet and after an extended period on antibiotics, so far so good. We've had no choice but to go the cortisone route a couple of times now as her skin became SO badly infected, so hold thumbs that that will NEVER be necessary again!
Our old faithful Bacardi the Maltese has had to have a whole bunch of his teeth extracted - he suffered from a nasty abscess and together with that of course he had a serious case of halitosis, which thankfully now has been sorted out! He is such a darling dog - hates any loud noises and actually leaves the room if people talk too loudly! Watching a sports event on TV in our house means making sure Bacardi is not in the room - when our team scores a goal (the men in this house mostly watch soccer), he runs for the hills!
George the Maltese is doing great - we think he had one or two days of what looked like arthritis pains this winter but nothing that needed to be checked by the doctor. Phew, I tell you, we are seriously considering taking out doggie medical aid for these four, our vet's bill has been astronomical this year. Bacardi's stint with the teeth last week was a cool R1980 and I've lost track of Chloe's allergy bills... If our vet ever decides to sell shares in his business I think I'll seriously consider investing - that guy is making good money!
Anyway, there's nothing we won't do to ensure our doggies are well cared for, so here's to good health and many happy years with these special little creatures entrusted to us!
Next Friday we're off on a road trip with the camper van we always rent when my husband participates in a cycle race upcountry. This time he's doing the 'Karoo to Coast' race and the two Yorkies and I have been invited along for the ride! We won't be getting on a bike but we will be supporting him all the way and look forward to sharing our trip with you here. I hope to take a gazillion pictures and hopefully I will be able to share a part of our country with you that you have not seen yet.
Wish me luck with camouflaging my two princesses along the route as I turn the 'No animals allowed' signs around! :)